Хохлатый орёл уоллеса и птицы-носороги охотятсяна летучих мышей/How an Eagle Lures a Fruit-eater into Bat Hunting
↠Check out how this African parrot ended up in a 🌵in Arizona:
The island of Borneo is home to some of the largest caves in the world. These dark spaces are full of life – including enormous colonies of bats. At sunset, they swarm out to hunt, creating an opportunity for local birds to grab a bite. 🦇
Birds of prey like the Wallace’s hawk-eagle are equipped with sharp talons and beaks perfect for catching bats. But what happens when a fruit-eater like the pied hornbill has a go? Who will be victorious in the battle of bats vs. birds?
👉🏽 Competition can be fierce in the natural world. Check out our “Battle of Giants” playlist for more incredible videos:
#terramatters #eagle #hornbill #birds
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