Holi with Amma - Highlights 2024 - Amritapuri

Amritapuri Ashram celebrated Holi with Amma, transforming the Bhajan Hall into a vibrant canvas of joy and colors. Following her daily bhajans, Amma led the festivities with colored powders and water, playfully engaging with devotees. The highlight was Amma’s spontaneous dance to a Baduga tribal song, encapsulating the blissful spirit of the festival. The celebration extended into Amma’s darshan, with devotees continuing the playful tradition, ensuring a colorful and joyous commencement of Spring for all present and those watching online. #Amma #MataAmritanandamayiDevi #Amrita __________________________________________ Get News Updates Visit For More News on Amma’s Initiatives Stay Tuned To ▪️ ▪️ ▪️ ▪️ ▪️
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