Autumnleaf — Unofficial Discography: 2007-2012

Autumnleaf — Unofficial Discography: 2007-2012 This discography is missing tracks from the “still have nothing to be sure: special remix CD“ and “with THE MOUNTAIN.“ If you have any information, please contact me. Red lies in the White field 1. Red Lies In The White Field 2. Footsteps On The Sand (2:51) 3. Try to Keep (7:47) 4. Summer End (11:18) 5. Pieces of You (14:14) still have nothing to be sure 1. slow walk town (19:32) 2. 24 hours drive (23:33) 3. get out of the park (28:08) 4. good night, friends (31:05) 5. look up today (35:37) 6. the tree of knowledge (39:03) 7. night falls into snow (43:23) 8. the ordinary days (48:21) 9. try to keep (52:32) 10. summer end (57:20) 11. untitled (1:00:49) still have nothing to be sure: special remix CD 2. goodnight, friends (miyauchi yuri remix) (1:03:55) 3. night falls into snow (lemix) (1:09:44) the foot 1. A Daily Life (1:13:03) 2. Night Call (1:17:16) 3. The Road to The South (1:21:32) 4. Behind The Door (1:28:10) 5. One Day (1:34:15) 6. Realize (1:38:30) 7. Human Equality (1:42:57) 8. Thing to Get and Lose (1:46:22) the foot Remixes 1. Human Equality (lemremix) (1:52:35) 2. One Day (IamRobotandProudremix) (2:00:43) 3. Night Call (sheeprintremix) (2:00:43) 4. The Road to The South (cokiyuremix) (2:05:08) 5. Behind The Door (miyauchiyuriremix) (2:10:12) with THE MOUNTAIN 1. the foot (2:16:58)
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