Ian Bruce Breezeband - The Best of Friends

Текст с Bandcamp’а: “THE BEST OF FRIENDS (Ian M. Bruce) I think on long lost life long friends, What they doin’ now? I know if I met them tomorrow, Shyness won’t allow me to ask, Or even talk to them, It’s likely we’ll both look away, That was the way between you and I When we met today. Nights on the town laughing and drinking, No talk of weather, Understanding that we were just good friends, Having good times together. Or were we the keepers of latent love, Happy to keep it that way? Till one careless kiss destroyed all this And left nothing to say. CHORUS We are just strangers one kiss discovered, Different books with similar covers, We were good friends that could never be lovers. The best of friends. When I needed help you were always around. It was you who kept my feet on the ground, So many times I reached for your hand, You listened, you’d understand. We were good friends that could never be lovers. Respect the reasons, Now that we both know where we stand, Let’s heal the lesions, And promise you won’t keep turning your head, From opposite sides of the room, Let it resume... Let’s kill the strangers, one kiss discovered, Different books with similar covers, We were good friends that could never be lovers, The best of friends. from Annie Laurie (e​.​p​.​), released June 1, 1997“
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