Part 5 - Unix/Linux for Testers | who, whoami, hostname, uptime, cal & date Commands

Notes: -------- who - Dsplay how many users have connected to the linux system whoami - Displays the username of the current user. hostname ---- hostname : Print the host name of the system hostname -i : print IP address of the computer uptime ---- It is used to find out how long the system is active (running). the current time, the amount of time system is in running state number of users currently logged into the load time for the past 1, 5 and 15 minutes respectively. --------------------------- cal : Display current month’s calendar cal 2021 : display calender of specified year cal 3 2021 : display specific month calender in a year ( 3 rd month in 2021) cal -3 : display previous current next months cal -y : Display calender of current year cal -m10 : Diplsy calender of month n the current year ---------------- date ---------- date “ %Y“ : Display year date &qu
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