Oddest Abe - Sometimes the Sun is Shine

Текст с Bandcamp’а: “This was the last song i recorded for the album. It was kind of intimidating just for how long it was, and how much it sounded like Lemonquest. I didn’t want to fall into the trap of making the same song twice. I got the idea for the song after listening to one of my favorite indie pop/rock bands, Hearsays. it was their song “A Little Bird Told Me“ off their album “In Our Time“. I liked that song a lot and thought it might be kind of funny to poke fun at it by making a song just like it, but put it after 10 minutes of nonsense. So I wrote a silly indie rock song, and timed my self for 10 minutes of improv before I would start playing it. The title comes from a line in that Hearsays song. They’re a Japanese band that sings in English, and their English is not the best. I mean no disrespect of course, I love Hearsays, but I do find their lyrics to be kind of funny sometimes, and in “A Little Bird Told Me“ they say a few kind of off lines. My favorite of which is “sometimes the sun is shine“. So I wrote a weird song about the sun and named it after that line. lyrics Blackening the sky! Blackening the sky! It happens every night! Happens every night! my mother told me I had no reason to be afraid but when the sun dissapears I can only feel my rage! at the viscious blatant lies that make my home into a cage Blackening the sky! Blackening the sky! It happens every night! Happens every night! the rest of the world looks on as if it were normal but the sun leaves us! maybe it doesn’t like us very much. we must appease it’s hunger or we will be left in the cold. we must offer it a feast of mushed cornbread and gold or it’s horrifying rays will turn us all old! the sicknesses will be cured and the warmth of the world will return if the sun is pleased with our gift is the gun sneezed on our ship? no! kick the crackalackers backwards to the show! they must distill all the wine and make it safe to consume lest the beautiful women drink it and have a somewhat unpleasant taste in their mouths! Blackening the sky! Blackening the sky! It happens every night! Happens every night! when the sun returns to us we’ve all got to hide! and when it’s fully risen past the horizon we all jump out and say “surprise!“ the sun will be so happy that we remembered it’s birthday it will never want to leave us ever again. an eternal noon will tan all of our skin! the winter will stop coming and the fish will be our friends! Sometimes the sun is shine! Blackening the sky! Blackening the sky! It happens every night! Happens every night! The sun rises again everybody here are friends if the sun starts to descend I’m afraid this might be the end All the world sings with me from the mountains to the sea only absurd hyperbole can describe the sun’s beauty Behold the eternal noon come to save us from certain doom the ancient prophets knew our time on earth is through from Boring, released January 2, 2016 All sounds were performed, recorded, produced, mixed, & mastered by Oddest Abe. Inspiration: Captain Beefheart, Peter Brotzman, & Hearsays.“
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