The Climate Crisis - A Different Lens

The most pressing issue for the world’s young generation is climate change. The past seven years have been the world’s warmest on record. Global sea levels have risen about 20 centimetres in the last century. Natural disasters are becoming more severe and more frequent. The data doesn’t lie – human activity is driving rapid change in the world’s climate and it’s the next generation that’s most at risk. But perhaps what young people are most concerned about is the lack of action. Politicians, governments, businesses and communities have been slow to make the changes necessary to ensure the survival of the planet and generations to come. If humanity doesn’t address air quality, access to water, biodiversity, food supplies, energy sources and planetary health, the consequences will be catastrophic. In this A Different Lens episode, Monash University academics explain how we’re already seeing the effects of rising global temperatures, what we are doing right now to curb its effects, and what will happen if we don’t take greater action. Featuring: Faculty of Arts Associate Professor David Holmes James Goldie Faculty of Education Professor Alan Reid Faculty of Science Professor Andrew Mackintosh Professor Julie Arblaster Monash Sustainable Development Institute Professor Tony Capon Climateworks Australia Anna Skarbek
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