Realistic Budget Friendly WHAT I ATE IN A DAY (vegan) - getting back on track

🌱 Get 15% off COMPLEMENT DAILY GREENS (use code CHEAPLAZYVEGAN at checkout). ♥️ 1 product purchased = 1 plant-based meal provided to a hungry child in need. Also check out COMPLEMENT ESSENTIAL, my favourite multivitamin designed for plant-based eaters (again use code CHEAPLAZYVEGAN for 15% off) - Get my Everyday Asian Recipes EBOOK - What I Ate in a Day as a VEGAN (Playlist) -   Vegan Chickpea Tuna Recipe - 🔴 DOWNLOAD MY EBOOKS - 🔴 My Weight Loss Recipes eBook - BUSINESS INQUIRIES: hello@ MY NEW SHORTS CHANNEL - Get my FREE Sauces Mini eBook by getting on my EMAIL LIST - ✅ LISTEN TO OUR PODCAST (The SaVeg Podcast) - ★ PATREON (bonus episodes & more) - ★ LISTEN - ★ WATCH (SUBSCRIBE) - ✅ MY VEGAN CAFE - ★ Follow on IG - ★ Our website - ✅ SHORTS CHANNEL - ✅ MY VLOG CHANNEL - CONNECT WITH ME ******************** ★ Business inquiries ONLY: hello@ ★ Instagram: @cheaplazyvegan ★ TikTok: @cheaplazyvegan ★ Website/blog: ★ Facebook: ★ Twitter: ★ Personal Instagram: @therosatron —— PRODUCTS I USE & DISCOUNT CODES ******************** Note: These are affiliate links, meaning I will make a small commission/reward if you purchase any products using these links. SHOP MY RECOMMENDED PRODUCTS (my amazon shop) - USA - Canada - ★ FREE AUDIOBOOK & 1 MONTH TRIAL - ★ 5% instant discount on any iHerb order with code CJW878 —— ♫ MUSIC ♫ By #vegan #cheaplazyvegan #whatieatinaday
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