POSTAL: Brain Damaged WORKSHOP update teaser trailer thing

GO GET POSTAL: Brain Damaged on STEAM, now 50% OFF! Also - this is something many of you were waiting for... and the wait is not yet over, but at least now you KNOW you’re not waiting in vain. Y’all thought it’s easy being Hyperstrange, throwing some shit on the wall and calling whatever sticks “POSTAL: Brain Damage Episode Something Map Whatever“. Soon, you’ll be able to see for yourself that level design in PBD is not as easy as you thought. Nah, you’re gonna ace it. We believe in you. Soon! ---- Get ready to experience POSTAL from a brand-new perspective! This boomer-shooter spin-off of the fan-beloved Running With Scissors’ franchise will take you further down the rabbit hole than any previous game of the series. You’re not in Paradise anymore, and things are about to get weird, as POSTAL: Brain Damaged happens within the twisted psyche of the POSTAL DUDE, himself!
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