Winter Wolf Syndrome (seasonal behaviour) from a male Russian wolf with winter breeding aggression

This is a clip of an un-neutered captive wolf in the winter breeding months exhibiting ’Winter Wolf Syndrome’ otherwise known as Seasonal Behavioural Aggression. To watch full length episode click here: This affects wolves and high content wolfdogs mainly in the months of January and February when both sexes are fertile for reproduction. The male wolf can only breed in these months and is unfertile the rest of the year. This hormone surge makes his normally shrunken testicles fertile for reproduction but also can make him aggressive to his keeper, especially if the keeper is male, as he will challenge him due to the protection of his female. Female wolfdogs can become competitive too and fights can break out resulting in fatal injuries to other females. Zoo wolves are particularly affected by this, as it is an unnatural environment to put them in. In the wild, just the leading older pair will ma
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