It’s Only Love - The Beatles - Full Instrumental Recreation (4K)

What a wistful, melancholy song! If The Beatles put this much joy and magic into a John Lennon throwaway originally titled “That’s a Nice Hat,“ imagine how much more they could’ve given us. This is such a fun song, with such joyfully interesting instrumentation. We have 4 guitars on this track! We have John’s aggressive J-160E rhythm, doubled by George on the Framus. There are at least 2 guitar overdubs, 3 by my count, including patented Lennon rhythm stabs on the Strat, plus some Harrisonesque vibrato work on the Gretsch (likely the Tenny). We have that magical drum beat Ringo borrowed from Arthur Alexander, again heard on “In My Life.“ And above all else, we have a simple John Lennon love song. Sigh. If only he could’ve had more time... Isolated tracks:
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