How the elite are robbing you and what you can do about it

There is massive fraud on the public by the institutions we thought we could trust. Full Video HERE: You may think you can trust the institutions that are supposed to serve the public, but they are actually involved in a massive fraud. They are hoarding and diverting public resources for their own benefit and misuse. This video exposes how and why this is happening, and how the elite are keeping you on a treadmill for their enrichment. The video also urges you to take action: demand an independent audit of the accounts of every public agency in your area, and most importantly, keep what you earn. Find a way to protect your wealth from the elite’s theft. The message underlying this video is, demand an independent audit of the accounts (CAFR) of your city, county and state governments, school districts, courthouses, every public agency. And most important, KEEP WHAT YOU EARN. - FIND A WAY. Start Here:
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