Queen Goes North (1960)

Item title reads - Queen Goes north. Royal visit to the Shetland Islands. M/S of the Royal Barge nearing Bressay landing stage. M/S fishermen watching. L/S Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, stepping ashore onto the landing stage and walking towards camera after being greeted by the Lord Lieutenant of Shetlands, Sir Basil Neven-Spence. M/S children waving flags. M/S of the Queen walking with Provost Thomas Henderson to meet members of the lifeboat crew. C/U one crew member. M/S as the Queen shakes hands with the skipper and stops to talk to him. C/U another member of the crew. C/U Queen talking to one of the crew. M/S of the Duke talking to members of the crew and shaking hands. C/U of crew member. M/S as the Queen walks along the quay past fishing boats. M/S Duke talking to people on a boat. C/U fishermen. Camera pans with Queen and Duke riding in a 30 year old Rolls Royce. M/S Fraser Park. M/S Queen carrying bunch of flowers being escorted to sheep pens, the party stop to
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