The MIND Diet - Best Foods for your Brain

In this video we are going to be looking at Diet and how what we eat can help optimise our brain function and prevent the early onset of Brain and cognitive diseases. A Diet known as the MIND diet (which stands for Mediterranean Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay) is a plant-based diet recommended to suffers of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia by medical and nutrition professionals. 0:00 - Intro 0:17 - 6 Factors that affect Brain and Cognitive health 0:28 - Let’s specially look at Diet 0:42 - What is The MIND Diet 1:00 - Whole grain Foods 1:17 - Dark green & bright coloured vegetables 1:35 - Berries 1:47 - Nuts 1:54 - Beans & Legumes 2:08 - Poultry 2:12 - Fish 2:16 - Pomegranate or Dark grape Juices 2:22 - Foods to REDUCE in the MIND Diet 2:52 - Adapt to Diet slowly as its a lifestyle change For more in-depth information on prevention of Brain ageing click here to listen to Dr. Liz Applegate’s University of California lecture
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