May Energetic Update - The Presence of the Divine Mother Within

The Presence of the Divine Mother Within 90-minute Masterclass with Anrita Melchizedek Experience this Masterclass Introductory Transmission You are invited to join us in this powerful energetic transmission, as we accelerate our frequency, birth into creation new golden opportunities, and connect ever deeper into the Heart of Gaia, and the Flame of Compassion. This Flame of Compassion and Love amplifies in this Now moment and as these sacred, holy Flames of Divinity, the Stargate of our Loving Hearts expands into the deepening Presence of the Divine Mother within. As we deepen into Compassion through our Golden Hearts, we dissolve the wounded masculine, and victim/persecutor consciousness. We fine tune our frequency and shift dimensionally into ever higher octaves of the One Heart of All That Is. We are further invited into
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