The German WW2 Fighter That Saved Israel - The Avia

The story of the Avia sounds like the plot for a film. An aircraft designed and developed by the Luftwaffe, modified by post-war Czechoslovakia, and then used by the Israeli’s in rag-tag squadrons to fend off incursions from multiple fronts. I’d call the a ’plucky hero’ if it didn’t have the habit of trying to kill its pilots the moment they get in it. Despite its many, many, many flaws, the Avia deserves its place in history as the founding Aicraft of the Israeli Airforce. **** Producing these videos is a hobby of mine. I have a passion for history, and personally own a large collection of books, journals and other texts, and endeavor to do as much research as possible. However if there are any mistakes, please don’t hesitate to reach out and correct anything :)
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