2017 Ford Raptor Rock Crawl Hackett Gulch Colorado

Trail riding Hackett Gulch near Divide, Co. I was trying to decide between it and Long water and Metburry. This is the first one to come to on the road. Really fun and it was possible to make it without body damage. The rock sliders were probably necessary though. I bent the passenger one a little somewhere. Also at the end it splits off like 3 ways. I went all the way to the left which I think maybe the hardest way to get to water? I could have drove on the small creek to an opening to turn around but wasn’t sure if I was supposed to or not. So backed up to a good turn around spot. I put the mpg’s on the end. That is the trip from Oklahoma to Colorado. Then I wheeled. Then reset the trip for the drive back from CO to OK.
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