How to calculate band gap energy from UV-Vis absorption using Origin

#bandgapenergy #originpro #sayphysics 0:00 what is Tauc plot? 1:15 direct and indirect electronic band transitions 3:00 derivation of the absorption coefficient from Beer-Lambert law 4:50 How to calculate band gap energy from UV-Vis absorption using Origin 6:55 Bandgap energy from absorption data using Tauc plot method 8:10 Band-gap (Eg) of UV-Vis Absorption Spectra using Tauc Plot 10:30 Bandgap (Eg) calculation of UV-Vis spectroscopy from absorption spectra Exercise File (Origin File): This Youtube video titled “How to calculate band gap energy from UV-Vis absorption using Origin“ explains step-by-step the process of calculating the energy bandgap of a semiconductor material using UV-Vis absorption data with the help of Origin software. The video starts by providing a brief introduction to the energy bandgap and its importance in semiconductor physics. The presenter then shows how t
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