Gli Ugonotti (Les Huguenots) FULL 1962 audio & PHOTOS Corelli Sutherland Simionato Ghiaurov LIVE sub
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🇬🇧 With English subtitles and the 🇮🇹 sung Italian text on screen.
ℹ️ Recorded at the Teatro alla Scala on June 7*, 1962. (*some editions give May 28 as the recording date)
The 170 photos illustrating the performance are the work of Scala’s in-house photographer, Erio Piccagliani. (Some were taken during rehearsals, so the costumes/hair are different here and there.)
Giacomo Meyerbeer: Gli Ugonotti (Les Huguenots) - sung in Italian
Teatro alla Scala, 1962
Raoul de Nangis, a Protestant gentleman - Franco Corelli (tenor)
Valentine, daughter of Count de Saint-Bris - Giulietta Simionato (mezzo-soprano)
Marguerite de Valois, Queen of Navarre - Joan Sutherland (soprano)
Marcel, a Huguenot soldier, Raoul’s servant - Nicolai Ghiaurov (bass)
the Count of Saint-Bris, a Catholic gentleman - Giorgio Tozzi (bass)
Urbain, the Queen’s page - Fiorenza Cossotto (mezzo-soprano)
the Count of Nevers, a Catholic gentleman - Wladimiro Ganzarolli (baritone)
Thavannes, a Catholic gentleman - Piero De Palma (tenor)
Cossé, a Catholic gentleman - Giuseppe Bertinazzo (tenor)
Thoré, a Catholic gentleman - Manuel Spatafora (baritone)
De Retz, a Catholic gentleman - Antonio Cassinelli (bass)
Méru, a Catholic gentleman - Alfredo Giacomotti (bass)
Bois-Rosé, a Huguenot soldier - Walter Gullino (tenor)
Maurevert, a Catholic gentleman - Silvio Maionica (bass)
An archer of the night guard - Virgilio Carbonari (bass)
A lady-in-waiting of Queen Marguerite - Clara Foti (mezzo-soprano)
A servant of the Count of Nevers - Angelo Mercuriali (tenor)
Four gentlemen - Walter Gullino, Angelo Mercuriali, Giuseppe Morresi, Alfredo Giacomotti
Three friars - Enzo Guagni, Virgilio Carbonari, Giovanni Antonini
Two gypsy girls - Maddalena Bonifaccio, Clara Foti
Conductor: Gianandrea Gavazzeni
Chorus master: Norberto Mola
Stage director: Franco Enriquez
Sets and costume designs: Nicola Benois
Photos by Erio Piccagliani
Place: Touraine and Paris, France
Time: August 1572
Les Huguenots (Gli ugonotti) is an opera by Giacomo Meyerbeer and is one of the most popular and spectacular examples of grand opera. In five acts, to a libretto by Eugène Scribe and Émile Deschamps, it premiered in Paris on 29 February 1836.
The story culminates in the historical St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre in 1572 in which thousands of French Huguenots (Protestants) were slaughtered by Catholics in an effort to rid France of Protestant influence. Although the massacre was a historical event, the rest of the action, which primarily concerns the love between the Catholic Valentine and the Protestant Raoul, is wholly a creation of Scribe.
00:00 Overture
04:54 Act 1 - Nei bei dì di giovinezza
09:33 Qui sotto il ciel della
10:50 Piacer della mensa
12:35 Versate in abbondanza
14:28 Non lungi dalle torri... Bianca al par di neve alpina (Raul)
19:52 Qual mai strana figura
23:17 Ma che? Ben osservando
24:47 Piff, paff, piff (Marcello)
27:46 Del castello al Signor
29:11 L’avventura è singolare
32:13 Scioglier si dee l’imen
34:19 Vaga donna illustre e cara (Paggio)
37:40 Talor soverchio merto
41:03 Il piacer e l’onor, la possanza
43:41 Act 2 - O lieto suol della Turena (Margherita)
47:34 Che la lotta fatal
51:54 Chi giunge qui
54:15 Egli vien, egli vien
56:50 Raul, la vostra fè (Margherita, Raul)
01:00:53 Ah, scender nel mio petto
01:04:43 Signora!... Onore alla più bella
01:07:36 Per l’onor, per la fè
01:10:34 Giustio ciel, chi vegg’io?
01:14:12 Act 3 - Ecco il giorno di festa
01:16:36 Vergin del cielo
01:18:48 Su venite, siamo qua (Ballet)
01:22:35 Per compire un voto di pietà
01:25:50 Tornate alle vostre magion
01:28:13 L’attenderò... Nell’orror di cupa notte (Marcello, Valentina)
01:32:04 Ah! l’infido! Quest’anima amante
01:35:42 Tu m’intendesti?... Ah, ch’esprimer non può il labbro mio
01:39:10 Su, su, Marcel... Per vendicar si grave affronto (Duel)
01:45:28 Alto là!... Pronti siam!
01:48:11 Alto, là; rispettate di Navarra la Regina
01:54:11 Act 4 - Alfin son sola
01:57:23 Di Caterina un cenno (Conspiracy & Blessing the daggers)
02:00:00 La cause è santa
02:05:11 E voi che rispondete
02:08:44 Gloria a Dio vendicatore
02:14:25 Raul... Dove vai tu? (Valentina, Raul)
02:16:17 Stringe il periglio
02:19:09 Tu m’ami, tu m’ami... Dillo ancor
02:24:57 Non ascolti un suon funebre?
02:30:50 Act 5 - Sei tu, mio buon Marcel
02:34:57 Perire io ti vedrò?
02:40:09 Nell’unir vostre man
02:43:39 Chi va là?
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