DMSTO - AnyFest Victory’11 - SS501 - Coward

И снова наше внеконкурсное выступление на фестивале!) Выступаем на закрытии фестиваля АниФест Виктори 2011 года. date - City - St. Petersburg video filmed Lipton Flashmob (The Feeling - The Safety Dance) 1 row - Yan Golf 2nd row - Chlore, Nastya 3rd row - Yuu, Yahiko Shi Row 4 - Sejya Dark, Hitomi, Pasha, Allen 5th row - InnOk, Akira, Kiyo, Bel, Oni Cover Dance on SS501 - Coward dance for soloists: Kim Hyun Joong - Yan Golf Heo Young Saeng - Sejya Dark Kim Kyu Jong - Kenren Park Jung Min - Darien Kim Hyung Joon - Pasha Dance Party (backing dancers): 1 row - Chlore and Nastya 2nd row (1 girls row) - Yuu and Yahiko Shi 3rd row (2nd girls row) - Bel and Oni 4th row - Kiyo and Allen
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