Razion EX Nintendo Switch Trailer 60 FPS

Dear customers, here is the announcement trailer for our next physical Nintendo Switch game: Razion EX We also opened the official website with information about the game system, controls, screenshots etc. The release is scheduled for the next 2 weeks. We will announce the exact date and time in a few days. RAZION EX is a horizontal 16 bit CGI shooting game. The score system is based on growing gold cubes and using the beam It has 3 game modes (NOVICE/NORMAL/MANIAC). Novice mode is significantly easier and will allow more people to enjoy the great graphics and music. Game 6 stages with varied settings 6 huge end bosses 7 sub bosses 3 game modes Rendered 16-bit CGI graphics Horizontal shooting game 60 fps Changes for EX version: - reworked game play - re-balanced and reduced difficulty - added bullet canceling for certain enemies - reworked controls and ship movements - upgraded graphics and added 32 bit effects - upgraded to widescreen - added scanline filter - slightly reworked levels - reworked scoring mechanics - unlock-able continues - added training mode for unlocked levels and bosses - added small ending - CD quality music -------------------------------------------------------------- Controls: Shot 1 Shot 2 Beam Hold [Shot 1] for slow focus movement. It also shows your hitzone. Holding [Shot 2] does not activate slow focus movement. All shots have auto fire. Game system and scoring: Collecting cubes reloads your beam faster. After a beam was fired your shot system needs to cool down to regain full power again Grow cubes to increase your score. Scoring high grants extra lives. Cubes can disappear and break if too long exposed or get outside of the screen. Use the beam to freeze or re-freeze cubes so they exist longer. There is a boss multiplier. Get this as high as possible for a high endboss bonus. There is a penalty on the boss multiplier if you fire too much beams in a boss fight. The enemy multiplier is dynamic and influences how much score you receive by each enemy. It’s influenced by the amount and status of the cubes on the screen. Tips: - Unlock more continues by playing the game or training mode. - Enemy bullets have a very small hitzone. - At the end of the stage there is a sizeable “BOSS NO BEAM BONUS“ if you didn’t fire any beam in the boss fight. - Frozen cubes can slowly freeze other nearby cubes. - The ultimate goal of a STG/shmup is to clear it with only 1 continue (1CC). --------------------------------------------------------------
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