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Nakamura, Hikaru (2780) - Caruana, Fabiano (2786)
FIDE Grand Swiss 2023 () [10]
C47 Four knights, Scotch,
e5 Nf6 Nc6 exd4 Bb4 bxc6 d5 O-O cxd5 Be6 c5 Bxc3 Qa5 Ne4 dxe4 Kh8 Rfe8 h6 Re7 Rc8 f6 Qxc3 Rce8 Bg8 Qxc2 Bh7 g5 Qb1 Qf5 Rxd8 Qf4 gxf4 Kg8 Bb1 Kf8 Kxg7 f3 c4 Be4
The 2023 FIDE Grand Swiss is taking place from October 25-November 11 on the Isle of Man, UK. The 11-round Swiss tournament will determine two places in the 2024 Candidates Tournament that decides Ding Liren’s next challenger. The total prize fund is $460,000, with $80,000 for 1st place.
The time control of 100 minutes for 40 moves, followed by 50 minutes for the next 20 moves, followed by 15 minutes for the rest of the game, with a 30-second increment from move 1. Official website:
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