The act was created as part of the performance-series Mini-a-Tures and presented at the Trafo House of Contemprorary Arts in Budapest. The series were based on
Goyas Caprichos, which had as basic thought to travesty
“...the innumerable foibles and follies to be found in any civilized society, and from the
common prejudices and deceitful practices which custom, ignorance,
or self-interest have made usual“. It is this weird and grotesque world we are trying to
put on the boards with the help of cirkus and physical theatre.
Performers and creaters:
Sophie Zsófia Zoletnik and Geret Gergely Kiss
Az előadás a Tarfó Kortárs Művészetek Házában
Mini-a-Túrák címen rendezett előadás sorozat
részeként született, témája Goya Caprichos
sorozata volt aminek alapgondolata, hogy kifigurázza
“a minden civilizál