Whitesnake - Is This Love - David Coverdale - Cover - Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy 4K

In this video, I cover one of my favorite vocalists, David Coverdale, on one of his finest songs, Is This Love! Let me know how you think I did! Whitesnake - Is This Love - David Coverdale - Cover - Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy 4K I remember when I first heard this song circa 1987. I have to be honest, being a huge Whitesnake fan, I was bummed that they were so commercial and just coming off of “Here I Go Again“ and “Still Of The Night.“ When “Here I Go Again“ came out, they had two versions: one of the versions was a hard rock version and the other was a more radio-friendly version with a lot more keyboards. At first, I went “Oh no! They’re going too commercial! This is terrible! How can such a hard rock guitar-driven band get into this just because of radio?“ But after hearing “Is this love“ multiple times, it started to dawn on me that they were able to pull off a radio single with dignity and to maintain the signature of Whitesnake. As the years went by, I realized that a lot of people felt the same way, and this song became an iconic rock ballad. So I decided to put my hat in the ring and take a shot at it myself. I hope you enjoy hearing it as much as I enjoyed singing it for you! Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy – Where The PROOF Is In The Singing! Learn To Sing Like This! Click Here Now: I wanted you to know that YouTube no longer sends email notifications about new releases. If you would like to know when a new video is released you can sign up to receive updates at: Subscribe here and check out my website at Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy is on Rumble! For information regarding vocal training visit: For more singing content visit me at: Instagram: kentamplinvocalacademy Twitter: Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy @ktvahelp Now on Spotify!: Popular Releases: Soft Rock: &utm_campaign=website Check out the KTVA website to learn more: Check out the KTVA Singers Forums! Check out these additional resources: How To Sing: How To Sing Higher: What Is My Vocal Range and Voice Type: How To Get Over Stage Fright and Fear of Singing Publicly: Please Follow me on Instagram: @kentamplinvocalacademy Find me on facebook: Check out my TikTok: @kentamplin Listen to my Albums on Spotify: Business E-mail: ktvahelp@ Oh, yeah! And here’s some news some of you may be interested in: Some Fun Nostalgia For You. My Old Shout Records Have Been Remastered. For Anyone Interested: You Can Find Them Here: #Whitesnake #IsThisLove #davidcoverdale #kentamplinvocalacademy
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