Trouble is a traveler that never planned on being homeless.

Trouble never planned on ending up homeless. She says no one ever plans on being homeless. Trouble has been traveling and hopping trains for 5 years. Both Trouble and her boyfriend, now her husband, started traveling to political protests around the country. Trouble says that the two of them kicked drugs while protesting police violence in different cities. “Fighting cops“ as she calls it, gave them purpose and motivate to “kick dope.“ They took a break from traveling and to get married in New Orleans. They got involved with an art and political advocacy organization, but when the drama started they both starting drinking again and it all fell apart! Trouble says they became functioning addicts. They had their own apartment and held down jobs, but the drinking and drugs continued. They decided to leave their apartment and go back to squatting, which is basically sleeping in any space they can find. It all went downhill from there! Trouble says the world of partying homeless youth travelers was like a
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