The updated moves as defined by the new ICF rules and appendices.
With thanks to Corner Wave Media
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Check out the latest kayak moves are showcased here
These are the major hole moves however does not include wave moves.
Shuvit Left or Right 2 consecutive 180° horizontal angle rotations of the boat at a vertical angle between 0° and 45°, beginning in front surf position to back surf position then returning to front surf position without a pause. The 2nd rotation must be in the opposite direction of the 1st one and the entire trick is completed with 1 blade remaining in the water during the whole action phase Value:5 points.
Spin Left or Right 360° horizontal angle rotation of the boat at an angle between 0° and 45° vertical angle. Value:10 points.
Cartwheel Left or Right At least two consecutive ends in the same rotational direction, and both ends at a vertical angle between 45° and 100°. Value:30 points
Split-wheel Left or Right Two consecutive ends at a vertical angle of between 45°and 100°linked together by at least a 160° horizontal rotation near the vertical point of the first end on the long axis. Value:40 points
Woo Tricky Left or Right Three consecutive ends beginning on the stern, each at a vertical angle of between 45° and 100°. Each end is linked together by at least a 160° horizontal rotation near the vertical point of the end on the long axis. The two rotations must flow in the same direction. The move is performed with one paddle blade only. Value:120 points
Tricky Woo Left or Right Three consecutive ends beginning on the bow, each at a vertical angle of between 45° and 100°. Each end is linked together by at least a 160° horizontal rotation near the vertical point of the end on the long axis. The two rotations must flow in the same direction. The move is performed with one paddle blade only. Value:160 points
Loop Front Front Flip initiated and finished between a horizontal angle of -20° and 20°. Value:60 points
Back Loop Back Back Flip initiated and finished between a horizontal angle of -20° and 20°. Value:90 points
Space Godzilla Left or Right An aerial loop with an additional 90º or greater rotation (twist) during the flip. Value:90 points
Mc Nasty / Pistol Flip Left or Right At least 150° horizontal angle rotation or half a barrel roll flowing into a front loop or Space Godzilla. Value:120 points
Lunar Orbit / Back Mc Nasty Left or Right Starting in a front surf position. At least a 180°horizontal angle rotation during which the boat reaches a vertical angle over 30° flowing into a bow end of a cartwheel or a back loop.*Note: The back loop must begin at a vertical angle over 30°. Value:150 points
Phonics Monkey Left or Right Pirouette initiated by a cross-bow stroke in a front surf position and followed by a front loop in one fluid motion. Value:140 points
Trophy Move 1Left or Right/ Front or Back A move that does not meet any other definition in the list of basic moves of the appendix. Value:100 points
Trophy Move 2 Left or Right/ Front or Back A move that does not meet any other definition in the list of basic moves of the appendix and based of high level skills. Value:170 points
Trophy Move 3 Left or Right/ Front or Back A move that does not meet any other definition in the list of basic moves of the appendix and based of expert level skills. Value:240 points
Entry Move 1 Simple entry move. Working on one end or Wave wheel. The boat must be vertical when it connects with the feature. Value:30 points.
Entry Move 2 Intermediate entry move based on a non-aerial basic move. Value:50 points.
Entry Move 3 Expert entry move based on an aerial move. Value:80 points
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