Our Library Department

NPSIG Music Contest “Our Library Department“. Authors: Tatyana Svanidze (Ryabuhina), Viktoria Ryabuhina, Valentina Brezhneva, Albina Krymskaya, Alena Katina Lyrics - English version “Our Library Department” There are a lot of places In the entire world Which people wish to see to visit some day Among those gorgeous places, you might find a special one You’ll never wish to leave it soon And even once in a blue moon, Since you’ve decided to come And the time is running, flying, passing You’re in our hearts, you’re our blessing We are proud of you, we are proud of you Oh our Library department We’ll let the days run, we’ll let the years fly, Watching the change of generations The library department is our home, sweet home It’s our boat of science indeed We’ve learned to find all that we need All kind of information And the time is running, flying, passing You’re in our hearts, you’re our blessing We are proud of you we’re proud of you Oh our Library department We are proud of you, we’re so proud of you..
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