Anthem of the Russian Liberation Army (ROA) — “We go wide brim“

Flume, whose family emigrated from Russia to Latvia after the Civil war, studied at the philological faculty of the Latvian University, was a member of the student Union “Ruthenia“. The basis of the March ROA he put his poem “He who is faithful to our motto“, published in Riga in 1939 in the poetic collection “the Songwriter Ruthenia“. According to the historian Boris Ravdin, the song is poetic and conceptually superior to the earlier marches collaborators. The Germans distributed the text of the March on flyers and posters. In the book “Songwriter of the volunteer“, published in 1943 in Narva, was published notes. Leader of the people’s labour Union Rostislav Polchaninov, visited the occupied Pskov in 1943, recalled that after his arrival in the city of General Vlasov local radio station every day playing the March of the ROA
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