Ferroalloy supplier from China zxferroalloy specializes in ferrochrome ferrosilicon ferromanganese.

#ferroalloy #ferrochrome #ferrosilicon zxferroalloy supplies low carbon ferro chrome high carbon silicon ferro silicon silico manganese ferro manganese calcium silicon calcium metal silicon metal nitrided ferro chrome Analysis of recent ferroalloy market Situation of Ferrosilicon Ferrosilicon got off to a bad start in May, and prices showed a downward trend。 Analyzing the reasons, one is that the macro economy is poor, the Federal Reserve has raised interest rates, and the risks of overseas banks have expanded, which is negative for the macroeconomy. Second, the black bulk commodity futures are going down as a whole. The cost of steel mills has dropped, and the impact of overseas risks has led to a significant drop in steel prices after the festival, forcing the market price of raw materials to go down. Third, the terminal demand performance is insufficient. The price of steel fell, the strategy of steel mills to maintain a low inventory of raw m
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