Elliot & Angela - Where Is My Mind? (s3)

English subs. do not mention the show otherwise this video will be blocked. thank you! omg what a season, what a journey! The cinematography is on point , you can tell watching my vid. The composition, the macro, the light - everything is so beautiful! The bond the two share is unbreakable. No matter happens they get each other. He was mad at Angela for literally 5 minutes and again always is there for her as she is for him. This time the tables have turned and she is in deep shit like he was the previous seasons. He can’t be mad ar her for lying to him because he understands what her mom means to her, he’s living the same nightmare as she is. The most beautiful thing about them that they both have the same trauma which is so deep in their bones that only each other can get it. Elliot totally understands her insanity, this being her weakness because he is going through exactly the same no matter how much time has passed. And he also kinda feels guilty for what she did and what she’s going through because it’s him who started this , she just helped complete it. he didnb’t want her involement in any way. Now here she is with this burden. They share the same pain on so many levels. and i’m a sucker for pain, tears, drama, complicated relationship. Plus i am always drawn to relationships taking their roots from childhood. They know each other like no other ever will be able , you know? This year they got the most meaningful and intense scenes and i couldn’t be any happier about this fact. Couldn’t help vidding them either. I hope the fans/ the shippers will find this vid anyway wthout the tags. So share it wherever you want. XO #fanvidfeed #angelliot
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