◾ Former Israeli PM Naftali Bennett was rebuffed live on Sky news for his inhuman opinions about the suffering of the innocent c

◾ Former Israeli PM Naftali Bennett was rebuffed live on Sky news for his inhuman opinions about the suffering of the innocent civilians in Gaza: - What about the babies in incubators in Gaza hospitals who’s life support had been turned off because the Israelis have cut off the power? Are you serious asking about Palestinian civilians? What’s wrong with you? ... I’m not going to feed electricity or water to my enemies! ◾ Literally, Israeli authorities do not care about babies in incubators, this is not made up like the “Nayirah testimony“ when US media spread the fake new about Iraki soldiers taking babies out of incubators and killing them, this is true and it’s happening today in the Gaza strip. ◾Follow: Источник: Juan Sinmiedo/Fearless John/Ukraine exposed. [id342915501|@Youblacksoul]
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