Horses compete at 1947 Hambletonian harness racing event (1947)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Horses race at annual Hambletonian harness racing event in New York after a grandstand collapses, injuring spectators Full Description: USA: New York: Goshen: EXT HORSERACING IN AMERICA Hambleton Trotting Race - very good trotting shots and shots of collapsed grandstand United States of America trot, derby, spectators, collapse, stands, grandstand, Triple Crown, racecourse, track, horseracing, Standardbred, heat, heats, Hoot Mon Background: Horses race at annual Hambletonian harness racing event in New York after a grandstand collapses, injuring spectators FILM ID: VLVABC8NJYSI3M8BTKHZ6KFO0OKH7 To license this film, visit Archive: Reuters Archive managed by: British Pathé
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