Crews of the Rapier anti-tank guns in action

Crews of the Rapier anti-tank guns in action Crews of 100 mm MT-12 Rapier anti-tank guns of the artillery units of the 1st Army Corps of the Southern group of forces destroy enemy fortified areas from closed firing positions. The crews work in real time, using data received from an unmanned aerial vehicle near the line of combat contact to adjust fire. For its accuracy and reliability, artillerymen call the MT-12 gun a ‘sniper rifle’, which is very helpful in counter-battery combat against enemy artillery. The gun’s rate of fire is up to six rounds per minute without aiming recovery, and its firing range is more than 7 kilometers. The ammunition load of the MT-12 gun consists of several types of ammunition. Armor-piercing sabot shells are used to destroy tanks, self-propelled guns and other armored targets. A shot with a cumulative fragmentation projectile is usually used for direct fire at targets with powerful armor protection. Manpower, firing points, and engineering-type field s... Source: Military Wave
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