Sugar Ray Outpointed (1964)

Full title reads: “Paisley. Sugar Ray Outpointed“. Paisley, Glasgow, Scotland. Bantam Weight Boxing match sees Sugar Ray Robinson beaten on points by Mick Leahy. GV The Paisley Ice Rink with pipe band marching beside the ring. SV Pipers marching. (2 shots). CU Pan, Sugar Ray comes down aisle to the ring. The fight promoter, Peter Keenan. LV CU Sugar Ray comes to centre of ring and bows to crowd on all sides. SV Crowd. GV as Sugar and Leahy come out for 1st round, Sugar attacks immediately, but they clinch in the middle of the ring. CU Leahy and Sugar clinched. LV as they part and box. Robinson misses with right hand and Leahy misses with left hand. CU Leahy attacks and forces Robinson back to ropes. CU Man watching. LV Robinson poking Leahy with left hand then Leahy comes inside again and clinches. CU The fighters in clinch. LV Robinson trying to free from the clinch pushes Leahy who falls. Leahy gets straight up. SV Leahy wipes his glove. LV Robinson steps and throws right hand which goes over Lea
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