Did ancient MEN REALLY do this? Strangest Secrets of Rani Ki Vav!
Rani Ki Vav, an inverted temple, holds many secrets within, and has strange carvings. Did Ancient Indians use Flashlight? Did they use angle grinders and electric power? Did they use the Pinard Horn to confirm pregnancy? Did Ancient builders use a forbidden power source like the arc reactor?
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0:00 - Pinard horn
2:05 - Flash Light
3:54 - Insane Stone Assembly
5:18 - Angle Finder
6:44 - Failed Egyptian Pyramid
8:08 - Ancient Ruler
9:11 - Theodolite
10:14 - Arc Reactor
12:06 - Conclusion
Hey guys, you can see this ancient carving of a beautiful woman, but there is something strange about her, right?
She is carved with full, puffed-up breasts, and she doesn’t have a flat stomach, unlike most other carvings. Why? Because she is pregnant, that’s why. And look below, this guy is holding up a cylindrical device, ready to press it on her belly, because he wants to listen to the heart rate of the baby inside her belly. But is it really possible to hear the heartbeat of an unborn baby without using ultrasound technology?
Believe it or not we use the same technology today, many doctors and midwives use a device called a Pinard horn instead of an ultrasound device. A lot of doctors use this device on pregnant women, and some even claim, that it is easier and better than advanced ultrasound devices. If you think about it, many of the fancy electronic and computerized machines we have today, were simple devices operating on basic principles of physics. But this carving changes history, because we think that the Pinard horn was invented by Dr. Pinard in 1895, that’s about 125 years ago. But this carving is found in an inverted negative temple called Rani Ki Vav in India, and it was carved at least 1000 years ago. So, you can see ancient Indians were using such devices more than a thousand years ago. And I am going to show you more evidence of advanced technology from the same temple.
Here we can see a male figure with a variety of tools. But you see the problem here? He is holding a flashlight or an electric torch, just like what we use today. I mean look at the similarity, a typical flashlight has a broad bulb on one end and a long slender cylinder with buttons on the other end, and that is exactly what we see today. And look at his fingers, it is almost like he is pressing a button and turning it on. Is it a flashlight?
According to historians the flash light was invented by David Misell just 130 years ago. But we find it in this 1000-year-old temple, that is why I keep saying Rani Ki Vav is a very mysterious place, perhaps the most mysterious temple in the world. May be this device explains how ancient sculptors could carve in deep dark chambers, where there is no possibility of getting sunlight. We always find fantastic and impossible carvings in dark chambers and wonder how the sculptors carved them. If they used torches with actual fire, the walls and ceiling should have traces of carbon because of soot, but ancient Hindu temples show no trace of that. Were they using flashlight like devices in ancient times? Was this how they were able to assemble and fit blocks perfectly, even in pitch black areas of the temple?
#AncientTechnology #PraveenMohan #hinduism
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