Fluid Painting with a Beginner - How To Tutorial Dirty Pour with Swipe Technique

Was up north with my friend Amanda and she wanted to know how to do a pour for a while now, so I decided to do a tutorial of the techniques of fluid painting, fluid acrylic mixing with the silicone, Floetrol, glue and distilled water. Plus, it was a perfect chance to be able to get some close up shots of the paint mixes for you all. I have started using some clear cups. Amanda used a swipe technique to make the cells occur more. The silicone really brings the cells out when swiping. Acrylic reacts to the silicone. I hope my mixes will help you too. The Floetrol and the glue together are a special mix of mine. The glue acts as a binder to the paint and the Floetrol acts as the pouring medium and thins it down perfectly. The Floetrol also helps the paint dry way better than average without using it, in other words if you just used water. Sometimes in the past where I have used only water I have got cracks in the paint once dried. Here’s a video with the steps made easy:
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