Hardcourt tennis championship at Bournemouth (1936)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Bunny Austin (tennis player), Fred Perry (tennis player), Dorothy Round (tennis player), and Kay Stammers (tennis player) play in championship matches at Bournemouth Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: Tennis and Golf - Championship Season Commences ENGLAND: Bournemouth: EXT AUSTIN, Bunny B’mouth Hardcourt Champs PERRY. F. B’Mouth Hardcourts Champs ROUND, DOROTHY B’mouth Hardcourt Champs STAMMERS, Miss K. B’mouth Hardcourt Champs TENNIS Bournemouth Hardcourt Champs.- Austin, Perry, Miss Round & Miss Stammers Sport Katharine Stammers, Dorothy Edith Round Little, Henry Wilfred Austin, Frederick John Perry, court, game, ladies Background: Bunny Austin (tennis player), Fred Perry (tennis player), Dorothy Round (tennis player), and Kay Stammers (tennis player) play in championship matches at Bournemouth FILM ID: VLVABPJDWSAYR4JXI
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