Build A Display For Collectible Houses | Woodland Scenics | Model Scenery
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Full Video of “Build A Display For Collectible Houses“ DVD - Learn step-by-step landscape and terrain modeling techniques to build collectible house showpieces to fit in any display area. video includes complete instructions.
Items Mentioned in This Video:
Realistic Water (C1211)
Scenic Sprayer (S192)
Rock Mold (C1230-C1241)
Lightweight Hydrocal (C1201)
Foam Sheets (ST1422-ST1427)
Low Temp Glue Gun (ST1455)
Hot Wire Foam Cutter (ST1435)
Risers (ST1406-ST1409, ST1414)
Scenic Glue (S190)
Foam Knife (ST1433)
Earth Colors Liquid Pigments (C1215-C1223)
Scenic Cement (S191)
Earth Undercoat (C1228, C1229)
Fine Turf (T41-T46, T1341-T1346)
Blendede Turf (T49-T50, T1349-T1350)
Ballast (B70-B94, B1372-B1395)
Clump Foliage (FC181-FC186, FC682-FC684)
Soft Flake Snow (SN140)
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