【Umineko Animated Comics】#01 Rokkenjima

让大家久等了,今日,黄金魔女的猫箱再度开启。 我作为朗读者,诚邀各位来宾再来聆听一次,那个被讲述过千兆遍的故事。 由于刚刚复苏,魔力有限,无法保证下一段故事何时更新,但我会尽力回应各位的期待。 如果您能提供任何语言版本的文案、字幕,抑或是您有兴趣加入到我们的制作中来,请联系我们,我们会随时恭候您的大驾光临。 我们的信箱是:reciter@ 暗唱的魔女,敬上。 Let everyone wait for a long this day,the golden witch’s cat box opened again. As a reciter, I sincerely invite all guests to listen this story again, although it has been told thousands of times. Due to the recent recovery, the witch’s magic is limited, and there is no guarantee when the next story will be up
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