1/7 Grand Belial’s Key - In Rapture by the Fenrir Moon - Live in Washington, DC 1995
On this first song the guitar is a bit too low but you can hear Lord Vlad scream “Turn up the mic. Turn up the guitar“ so the rest of the bootleg sounds better.
1 week ago 02:31:40 3
Царство Небесное Наследники Первая часть в новую эру 12лет 73дня [ 23:23:23:GMT]
4 weeks ago 00:54:00 65
Прохождение испытаний на время: JUNK ENERGY и RC BANDITO в GTA Online
1 month ago 01:37:12 2
Bertrand SCHOLLER : FILLON victime collatérale des Khazars et billard pedocriminiamité ? Vol scrutin