2022 After Effects Jumpstart | Beginner tutorial

In this tutorial, I’ll show you the basics of After Effects in just a couple of minutes. I’ll explain the work space, setting up your first composition and adding elements to it. And we’ll create a first title animation, as animating text is probably the most common thing to do as a motion designer. So open After Effects right now and get started with this beginner tuotorial! Content: 0:00 Intro 0:20 The workspace 0:49 Adding a new composition 1:46 Adding a solid 2:16 Saving your project 3:04 Adding text 3:58 Animating text 6:00 Exporting your composition 6:48 The most important shortcut 7:00 Outro ► Software: Adobe After Effects 22 (I use the “Default“ Workspace in my tutorials) ► I use music from @artlist: ► I use footage from @artgrid: If you have any further questions, let me know in the comments below. I do my best to answer all of them! ► Subs
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