Why Poland Says NO to Mass Migration | Dominik Tarczynski

Our Guest Today: Dominik Tarczynski Dominik is a Member of the European Parliament from the Polish Law and Justice party. He has become famous at the party representative who defended the Polish ruling party’s tough policies on border control in connection with the sharp rise in the number of attempts by migrants to cross into Poland illegally from Belarus. Starting in 2021, the Belarusian regime began flying in thousands of migrants from across the world and then ordered the country’s security services to aid the migrants in their attempts to cross into the EU via Poland, Lithuania and Latvia. Belarusian dictator Aleksandr Lukashenko had decided to use methods of hybrid warfare and weaponization of migration to create a new migration route into the EU, with the goal of politically destabilizing both his neighbouring western states as the EU as a whole. Dominik Tarczynski has for years been appearing in various English language TV shows on channels such as the BBC, C
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