Written and directed by Edward Morris, with Ruby Baker, Lily-Rose Aslandogdu and Jamie Michie. This is a wild romp British road movie. Faced with an upcoming separation following a bitter custody battle, an older sister kidnaps her hostile younger sibling in order to establish a sisterly connection before it is too late. The events occur over the course of a single weekend, but enough crazy incidents occur to fill up a lifetime. Things do not start off well, as the younger Kelly is stuffed in the trunk of a car while still wearing her pyjamas, and the adventure gets stranger as they encounter various friendly and malevolent characters along the road. The screenplay is sophisticated, with a particularly astute ability to pick up on genuine middle-class exchanges between parents and their charges. The distraught parents soon involve the police in the search for their missing children, but the results are often just plain funny, as in trying to explain how a dildo they have never seen before ended up in their
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