Want to know why the Government and Parliament fear George Galloway MP so much?
Since being elected as the MP for Rochdale, George Galloway has been attacked by Rishi Sunak, Keir Starmer, Nigel Farage, Richard Tice and the main stream media. He is also being attacked in the comments pages of a number of daily newspapers by people who don’t know anything about him except for what they read in the daily rags and what they see and hear on TV news channels. This video shows Galloway to be a man of fearless integrity. A man who took on the US Senate after being accused of wrongdoing during the Iraqi U.N oil-for-food program. A man who defended himself eloquently, and without a script, and tore his US senator accusers to pieces... This remarkable video also clearly demonstrates why Sunak, Starmer, Farage and Tice fear George Galloway so much. I urge you to watch this ‘must see’ 42 minute video from start to finish. Please feel free to share it...
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