✅ Too Much To Handle? Battery Powered Snow Shovel vs Snow Blower - Greenworks 40v GMax - 10in Snow

10in wet snow test for 40v battery powered Greenworks GMax power shovel and snow blower. Lets put these two tools to the test to see which one I like the most and can they replace my big gasoline snow blower and hand shovel? These have virtually no maintenance; no oil, no gas, no spark plugs or carbs to clog up. The power shovel is 12in wide cutting path and the snow blower is 20in wide. The shovel actually has a stronger “bite“ and can cut thru deeper snow than the blower in my testing. This video is not sponsored. Greenworks direct: 20% off sitewide til 10/20/2022: 10% off sitewide for 2022: Amazon: 40v Power Snow Shovel: 80v Power Snow Shovel: 40v Snow Blower: 80v Snow Blower: Nater Tater Merch Store: https://natertater
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