[Eng Sub] Dimash Kudaibergen “Give Me Love“ English Subtitles from Chinese & Kazakh Lyrics
My translation is aiming for as close to the original lyrics as possible, so it keeps the essence of the song.
*** English Subtitle translated by Joy Kuo ***
#Dimash #迪玛希 #GiveMeLove
(Originated from Chinese Lyrics)
Don’t look for relief if too weak
Don’t worry about losing qualification
I disappeared in her eyes
Stubbornly refuse to regret
Dying love can’t be saved
Can only be accepted silently
How long can the fragile dreams hide
Two people’s wounds
Time takes all the past away
Leave me to bear all alone
Trapped in the memories and not to let go
The tender from the very beginning
Let the greetings from the reunion
(Give me love)
See myself struggling in the pain
Stubbornly not to give comments
Why my love is trapped in this complication
Just want a honest answer
Dying love can’t be saved
Can only be accepted silently
Hong long can the fragile dreams hide
Two people’s wounds
Time takes all the past away
Leave me to bear all alone
Trapped in the memories and not to let go
The tender from the very beginning
Let the greetings from the reunion
(Give me love)
Let the results express the unfinished words
To tell the love knots are real or fake
Knowing the gap between reality and illusion
Straightforwardness is always exaggerated
Dying love can’t be saved
Can only be accepted silently
Hong long can the fragile dreams hide
Two people’s wounds
Time takes all the past away
Leave me to bear all alone
Trapped in the memories and not to let go
The tender from the very beginning
Let the greetings from the reunion
(Give me love)
Let the greetings from the reunion
(Give me love)
(Originated from Kazakh Lyrics)
Source: Dimash Kudaibergen’s YouTube Channel
My soul is suffering and grieving
Like the Moon in the sky
Fate, please
Raise me up
Give me love, fate
Give me love
Give me love, fate
Which excites the heart
and lights a fire in my soul
Give me a forever flaming love, fate
Give me love
Which no one has ever had
This life consists of dreams
They are high and unattainable
Many times I fell
And many times I rose
Give me love, fate
Give me love
Give me love, fate
which excites the heart
and lights a fire in my soul
Give me a forever flaming love, fate
Give me love
Which no one has ever had
The flame of hope never goes out
I’m not afraid of troubles
Where does happiness live?
My song soars upward
Give me love, fate
Give me love
Give me love, fate
which excites the heart
and lights a fire in my soul
Give me a forever flaming love, fate
Give me love
Which no one has ever had
Which no one has ever had
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