All You Can Eat 119 Baht and a Tour around a U.S Army SPY Base in Udonthani Thailand

Ramasun Station Udonthani Thailand Once a radio listening station staffed for over a decade by National Security Agency (NSA), United States Army, and United States Air Force (USAF) personnel, Ramasun Station allowed the US to spy on and disrupt the communications of their regional cold war adversaries during the 1960s and 70s. In the aftermath of the 9-11 terror attacks, the camp was suspected of housing one of the CIA’s secret prisons, or “black sites.” Though the Thai government and military leaders have denied these claims. Planted in a field some ten kilometers away from Udon Thani c...ity, with its unmissable Wullenweber radio mast array that was nicknamed “the elephant cage” for its sheer size and appearance, Ramasun Station was like an alien installation in more ways than one. Teeming with foreigners who would busy themselves in the camp and sally out to Udon Thani city for rest and recuperation at all hours of the day, it was almost like a small American town. You’re free to use this song and monetise your video, but you must include the following in your video description: Skinny Leonard by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence () Artist: Filming Equipment. Gopro8, Samsung 9s, Samsung 7s, Rode Wireless Go Microphone =sr_1_34?crid=2Q82GYDJ1WPTD&dchild=1&keywords=rode wireless go mic&qid=1599199870&s=electronics&sprefix=rode wi,electronics,413&sr=1-34 Editing Software. Powerdirector App Music. From Powerdirector App
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