I Made the Terror Mask from Splatterhouse

Hi holy cow it’s been a minute. Here is how I built the Terror Mask from Splatterhouse (2010). Handy tips: - To build up details, I suggest using EVA, craft foam, or foam clay/Model Magic, since it helps keep the mask light. I don’t like using clay because it really adds a lot of weight to a mask and you can’t really modify or make adjustments once clay sets. - Try on your mask throughout the process to make sure it fits okay, feel out the weight distribution, and also figure out where you want to place the straps. - The mesh stuff on the mouth area is just black interfacing (it’s what I had on hand) but you could use other materials to fake this look. It still allows me to breath and ventilate air through the mask. If you’re using something for your eyes, make sure you test the material to make sure you can still see through it. Safety will always be more important than cool effects. Disclaimer: When I was layering the plaster strips on the plastic bag, my partner w
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