How to Make Fursuit Head Patterns

Ooh, another video? An updated version of an older tutorial of mine! Wanted to go into a bit more detail on how I make my templates. If you want to see how to cut these shapes out of foam, go see this video I made! If you’re wondering how to print these shapes out full size, go here! Instead of me making tutorials for every species, and y’all just using my art style for the shapes, why not teach you HOW I do it, so you can draw your own! And then you’ll have your own art style in your fursuits. Let me know if you have any questions! I’m also thinking of remaking the foam carving process video, since I’ve changed/updated some of my methods since then. Next videos planned (and feel free to suggest ones!) : -follow-me eyes and installation, with the goat commission -teeth and tongue tutorial, featuring a few different material types -3 finger hoof hands tutorial, with the goat commission ---------------------- Music: Gymnopedie No 1
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