Sunset Delay - I finally figured out how to use a send track for partial effects with smooth taper

My 1970’s amplifier with a dry rotten speaker, you can almost hear the particle board on the edges flake off every time I strum my guitar. I wonder if it came from Sears or Montgomery Wards? Hey, don’t let my gear fool ’s just as crappy in real life as you think it is! I was just doing some experimentation on using a send track in recording, I added delay at just the - 34 to 37 - second mark, I am quite happy with the outcome, I used a send track preloaded with the effect and then slowly fading in and out from my master track at just the right think this is a fun concept to explore in future recordings, especially by adding just a bit of over drive at the tail end of a cool slide riff, I think the concept would be cool leaving the intro of the riff untouched and in its natural tone and then turning up the drive as you slide down the neck???...I definitely want to work on this puzzle a bit more and see what’s all is possible with send tracks and automation during the final mastering process of recording. - Music from the webpage There is CBGs for sale and more cigar box music #cigarboxguitar #3stringguitar #reddogguitars
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